Too Many Eggs? Try These Easy Recipes!
Summer produce is tumbling out of the garden. Zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, okra, corn…and so much more. The chickens are...

Follow Fowl Play’s “Chickens in the News” — and One Sea-faring Hen’s Tall Tale
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by; And the wheel’s...

What You Need to Know About Eggs and Chickens? Or…is That Chickens and Eggs?
The egg and chicken story – which came first? For many people contemplating a hankering for raising a flock of chickens, it is often the...

Hen Saddles for Some Fowl Play
Treading isn’t fun. Especially if you’re the hen…the treadee. What is treading? When roosters mount females to show how much they love...

Bathing Beauties – How to Wash Your Chicken
All animals bathe. Some enjoy a good splash in a pool of water; others frolic in a mud hole. Most of us position a sparkling birdbath in...

How to Choose the Right Chicken Breed
One look and you're hooked! That’s usually how people decide they want to keep chickens. Gaze into those charismatic, feathered faces and...

Training Chickens! Follow These Simple Steps...
Chickens are perceptive and intelligent animals. Perfect. That makes training them a snap. It really is that easy. Forget about the days...

New Website GIVEAWAY!
Thank you for taking a look at our new website! To celebrate and to thank our fans, supporters, and fellow chicken-lovers, we are having...

Children Love Raising Chickens! Build Your Kid Friendly Flock
Raising chickens is exciting. Children and chickens go together. In fact, both start with the same letters — “chi.” Hmmm, that isn’t just...

Raising Free Range Chickens? Train Them to “Come” with Love Bug Treats
We know that happy and healthy chickens have access to free range. Our yards are chicken-scaped with berry bushes, lush (pesticide free)...